Invite Physical + Magical and Emotional Support.
4 fl oz . 120 ml
St. John's Wort has long been held as the herb of the sun. Its radiant energy lifts the spirit while its affect on pain and inflammation soothes the body. Mugwort, long held as the herb of the moon, it opens the realms of connection and intuition while keeping our physical bodies deeply grounded.
This body oil is only made once per year when the St. John's Wort is in bloom. We infuse the fresh flowers, gathered from our gardens and nearby meadows for one moon cycle. The Mugwort gathered fresh shortly thereafter when just setting flower.
St. Johns Wort is also known for its anti-viral properties and often used in the treatment of shingles, chicken pox and herpes. Combined with Lavender with its antibacterial properties and Mugwort for its affinity to drive herbs deep into the body, this is a wonderful topical treatment viral for skin conditions.
*This is a whole plant infused body oil made with hand-harvested herb grown organically or foraged locally. No essential oils added.
Study found potent antiviral activity against HSV-1 (herpes) from a methanolic extract of Hypericum mysorense, a methanolic extract of Hypericum hookerianum , and an acetone and chloroform extract of Usnea complanta. Virus yield reduction assays revealed Hypericum mysorense and Hypericum hookerianum as the only plant extracts to offer 100% protection from viral particles.
The antiviral properties of hypericin (SJW) were shown against a large number of viruses including HIV, influenza virus A, herpes simplex, bovine diarrhea virus (BVDV), hepatitis C, duck reovirus, and bronchitis virus. Hypericin (SJW) seems to be particularly effective against enveloped viruses by targeting and modifying viral proteins. This effect is enhanced by light, which not only inactivates the virus, but can also prevent fusion of the virus with the cell membrane of the host.