
Peeling back the Layers

We're made of more than just tissue and bone, we're made of energy and emotion as well. Let's untangle the issues in the tissues and address body, mind and spirit together.

Floret Session

A 30min consultation to dig into root cause and offer potential solutions.

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Seed Session

90min session including intake, Neurolinguistic Programming techniques, GNM patterning + custom herbal formulation.

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Bloem Program

3 month program including multiple herbal + NLP sessions, Iridology Analysis, custom formulations + Wellness Plan.

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Empowering you to Thrive, not just Survive.

While many methods of 'healing' address the symptoms alone, rarely are they pulling pack the subtle layers to find the root cause; WHY do you have Crohns / inflammation / pain / arthristis?

Yes, we can put you on a detox or herbal protocol for auto-immune issues, but why is your body expressing symptoms in that specific way?

In my opinion, the vast majority of health issues stem from or are wrapped in emotional blocks, traumas and limiting beliefs that sit in the body and hold fast.

It's time to peel back the layers. As a Herbalist and NLP practitioner with training in German New Medicine, Core Transformation, Emotion Code and Timeline Therapy, I am here support you in your health through various methods. Together, we can uncover the underlying triggers and develop a personalized approach to address them. You deserve to feel vibrant, to have the energy to be the best mother, partner, and friend you can be. Let's embark on this journey together and empower you to take back control of your health and your life.

Personal journey

What's the Story?

I'm Sarah Tacoma, Herbalist and NLP practitioner. I came to my work through both a love of plant medicine and my own struggles with digestion + skin issues.

In my personal healing, I noticed great shifts with herbal supports, diet + lifestyle changes, but the lingering threads of discomfort held fast until I acknowledged the emotional + psychological factors at play. As I worked with customers + clients, I noticed this common thread running between us.

This is when our Seed Sessions were born. They're a beautiful dance between herbs and emotions, where the body, mind and spirit are truly seen as one.

We work together to uncover the root cause(s) of your health struggles, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects. It's a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.

So, if you're ready to take control of your health and to embark on a journey of self-healing, then our Seed Sessions may be right for you.

Let the seeds of transformation be planted and watch yourself bloom.

What's inside this transformative Seed Session?

In our 90min consultation, we'll explore your health struggles, goals, and aspirations; finding the root cause(s) of your challenges to create a personalized roadmap for your well-being.

Through visualizations, emotional release, timeline work and muscle testing, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your health; enabling you to make informed choices and take control of your life.

Body, Mind + soul

The healing journey

Are you experiencing a chronic issue, general imbalance and are looking for holistic, mind/body/spirit support?

Let's discover what physical, emotional or energetic issues may be tangled in the tissues while supporting you to achieve your wellness goals.

Read more on our Metaphysical Herbalism approach below!

What is Metaphysical Herbalism?
looking within

Seed Session

Come with a problem, challenge or question and leave with a plan.

Our Seed Session is a wonderful option if you're looking to dig into a specific issue and want customized herbal supports and direction.


  • Session: 90min Online or in person
  • NLP, GNM and Emotion Code techniques to access and re-pattern emotions, thoughts and feelings
  • Custom herbal formulation: one unique herbal formulation, included with the
    cost of your initial consultation. This might be in the form of tincture, tea, flower essence and/or topicals.
  • $222
Book Your Seed Session
deep support

Bloem Program

Ready for a breakthrough?

The Bloem Program is ideal for those seeking support + accountability, those ready to change their story. In this program we pull back multiple layers across physical, emotional and energetic bodies and supporting you throughout with multiple custom formulations.


  • 90 day excellerated program
  • Sessions: 2x monthly sessions
  • Wellness Plan: customized for your life and your needs.
  • Custom herbal formulations included for the duration of the program. May include tinctures, teas, topicals, etc.
  • Flower Essences to support specific energetic re-patterning at the cellular level.
  • Iridology Analysis for deeper understanding of health and constitution.
  • NLP, GNM, EC and Timeline Therapy techniques for deep, long term shifting of patterns and beliefs.
  • $1888

Book Your First Session

Bloem Program Bonuses

Within our Bloem Program, you'll receive ongoing Email Support for for the duration of our time together. We're here to answer your questions, provide personalized advice, and offer support tailored to your unique health journey. You won't have to navigate this alone - we've got you covered every step of the way.

The body expresses what the mind suppresses

Dr. Sarah Campbell
getting started

Floret Session

While we specialize in a multi-layered approach to health including body, mind and spirit, we know that sometimes you just want simple advise or a follow up session.

We'll have the chance to go over common herbs, emotional patterns and/or practices for your particular issue and get you going on the right path.


  • Session: (30min) Online

Book your session
let's connect

What else?

Don't see the support you need? Are you unsure of where to begin or what session type would work best? Are you unable to afford this kind of support? Let's chat. Book a free Discovery Call or email me below.

Contact Me