Come Visit Us!
Come see us in person at our Apothecary Shop in Kimberley, Ontario. It's a beautiful drive in a beautiful valley and you're welcome to wander the property while you're here. OPEN BY CHANCE OR APPOINTMENT.
Call ahead if you're unsure! 705-928-0085.
Thank you for supporting small business! Due to the nature of our products, we don't offer returns or exchanges so please make sure you purchase accordingly. Reach out with any questions you may have! If you don't see a product, it may be sold out so come by and check later! The shop is updated with new and seasonal products every 2 months :)
Apothecary Shop
Come check out our Apothecary Shop in Kimberley, Ontario.
Open by chance or appointment.
Call ahead to book a time or come up when the OPEN sign is out.
235321 Grey Rd 13, Kimberley, Ontario.