Milky Oats + Oat Straw are one of the best herbs for supporting the nervous system. They are used in cases of nervous debility and exhaustion, depression and general anxiety.
Rhodiola has been used for centuries to treat anxiety, fatigue and depression, enhancing resistance to physical and mental stress.
Autumn Olive berries (not an olive, but rather a delicious wild berry) is a gentle cardiovascular tonic and stimulant.
Rosemary is a wonderful herb used for boosting mental clarity and improving memory. It also has the incredible ability to cross the blood-brain-barrier.
Ginkgo may improve brain function and memory while also reducing anxiety. It can support vision and reduce inflammation throughout the body.
Peppermint is used for many conditions including anxiety, tension, inflammation, digestive issues and more. It is also a gentle stimulant.
Blue Vervain strengthens the nervous system while relaxing tension and stress. Energetically, it highlights our needs and helps us establish boundaries.
Lavender is a wonderful herb for nervous exhaustion, calming the body and mind while also bringing awareness and alertness.
Valerian has a long history of being used to treat nervous tension, muscle tension, pain, anxiety and over-excitability. It's said to slow the inner chatter of a racing mind.
Turkey Tail is an incredible mushroom that is used to stimulate cognitive function + improve memory.
*Contains vodka and raw, local honey.