March 5th - 7th
LIVE & online from 12 - 12:45pm EST

Day 1 ~ We'll explore your history of symptoms and map them to the original emotional events and those surrounding flair ups.

The Map
Day 2 ~ We'll be linking your symptoms and effected tissues to their related emotions through the lens of GNM/GHK.

Day 3 ~ We'll explore how we can shift perspective, situations + emotions to downgrade or potentially resolve symptoms.

Healing through clarity
Every Symptom Has a Purpose
Mapping our symtoms to life events and discovering the 'triggers' or even the initial event linked is first stage of healing.
From there we can explore deeper the map of Germanic Healing Knowledge (GNM/GHK) and pin point the flavour of emotion that's at play and how to downgrade or even resolve it completely.